Improve Your Self-Esteem: Start Riding
5 things Dallas got right in 2014
Why is the 1 percent suffering from this peculiar mass delusion? Well, actually, it’s not that hard to understand. Because if you’re reading this article, chances are that you are in the top 1 percent of global income. And chances are also that you really don’t feel like a tycoon.
The cutoff for the global 1 percent starts quite a bit lower than the parochial American version preferred by pundits. I’m on it. So is David Sirota. And if your personal income is higher than $32,500, so are you. The global elite to which you and I belong enjoys fantastic wealth compared to the rest of the world: We have more food, clothes, comfortable housing, electronic gadgets, health care, travel and leisure than almost every other living person, not to mention virtually every human being who has ever lived. We are also mostly privileged to live in societies that offer quite a lot in the way of public amenities, from well-policed streets and clean water, to museums and libraries, to public officials who do their jobs without requiring a hefty bribe. And I haven’t even mentioned the social safety nets our governments provide.
So why don’t we feel like Scrooge McDuck, rolling around in all of our glorious riches? Why do we feel kinda, y’know, middle class?
Because we don’t compare our personal experiences to a Tanzanian subsistence farmer who labors in the hot sun for 12 hours before repairing to his one-room abode for a meal of cornmeal porridge and cabbage. We compare ourselves to other Americans, many of whom, darn them, seem to have much more money than we do.
How to Make Cold Brew Coffee with a French Press
Now this is a blast from the dim, dizzy, foggy past.
Bike Friendly Oak Cliff’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2015
It has been cold here – but it hasn’t been this cold.
Design a Hedge Maze for the Hotel That Inspired The Shining
Inherent Vice Looks like it is more Thomas Pynchon than Paul Thomas Anderson. And I thing that is a good thing…..
HIT & RUN BLOG RSS In Joyless Nanny State Called America, Government Prohibits Sledding
New Levitator Lofts Styrofoam Bits *And* Moves Them Around