The 5 Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
This is fascinating – to the point I picked up the book. Will write more about this later.

The last great mystery of the mind: meet the people who have unusual – or non-existent – inner voices
My inner voice is a talking albino wombat named Earl. Is that unusual?
These Navy SEAL tricks will help you perform better under pressure
Use this the next time you need to think clearly in a high-pressure situation.
21 Phrases You Use Without Realizing You’re Quoting William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare devised new words and countless plot tropes that still appear in everyday life. Famous quotes from his plays are easily recognizable; phrases like “To be or not to be,” “wherefore art thou, Romeo,” and “et tu, Brute?” instantly evoke images of wooden stages and Elizabethan costumes. But an incredible number of lines from his plays have become so ingrained into modern vernacular that we no longer recognize them as lines from plays at all. Here are 21 phrases you use but may not have known came from the Bard of Avon.
The most brilliant bookshops in the world
These are great. If I were wealthy, I’d travel the world and visit all of them. Also, locally, I would add two (both used bookstores) – the Big Main Half-Price Bookstore in Dallas, and Recycled Books in downtown Denton.
At the Heart of Our Divisions
Socialism is immoral—and it makes us hate one another.
How To Make Easy Kimchi at Home
My mouth waters at the slightest whiff of pungent, fermented cabbage and I’ll eat it with everything from fried rice to dumplings, summer rolls, or, ahem, straight out of the jar. I still have a lot to learn from Mom when it comes to kimchi-making (there are over a hundred different kinds!) but the recipe for mak kimchi, or simple kimchi, has been a great place to start